
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Brown Circle Skirt and a Blog Update

First, the nitty gritty: I have been delaying putting up a post for TWO WEEKS now because I have been locked in a battle with Disqus. I was so happy when I initially switched to Disqus comments, because Blogger has a nasty habit of eating comments (several readers complained of this before I switched -- and by "several," I mean three).

Well, Disqus has now eaten all but one comment!

I switched URLs a couple of weeks ago, finally purchasing, and Disqus ATE all my comments in the switchover.

I have one more trick to try, since Disqus support has been so much less than helpful (it's been a bit rage-inducing, to be quite honest) and then I'm giving up and just saying goodbye to the 130-some comments I'd racked up over the past few years. Le sigh.

Anyway, enough turmoil.

I present a small sewing project to tide you over until my next real post.

I've made many circle skirts before. It's a silhouette I love and I find them both comfortable and flattering.

This one is made from brown twill I ordered from Mood.

[Note: This is not an affiliate link or anything fancy, but I am going to try to link to specific fabrics when I can from now on, because I frequently find myself wishing for such links while I am reading.]

That Pfaff top-stitching, though...

The "pattern" for this skirt is a stolen circle skirt pattern piece from Butterick 5748 and a big rectangle for a waistband. (Basically I made the waistband 3 inches wide and my waist measurement + 2 inches so I could use it to enclose the zipper.)

I serged the insides with black thread. I am trying to get better about buying a greater variety of serger thread in the interest of pretty guts (because pretty guts make me happy!) but I don't have any brown yet. 

I serged the hem and just turned it under and top-stitched for a narrow hem.

Voila! An easy-peasy work look. And it's almost warm enough here to wear it like this, without tights. Almost...

I'll keep ya'll posted on the comment situation. Let me know if you have any helpful hints!


  1. How rotten! I hate Disqus personally. There are some blogs that use it that it won't even let me comment on. At least you have a really nice skirt.

  2. I thought Disqus was great until now.

    At this point, I think I might just make a permanent switchover to Wordpress and be done with the whole thing!

  3. Let's see if Disqus (which I hate for multiple reasons) will allow me to comment today...

    Sweet little skirt in a practical color. I don't think any other skirt shape is quite so happy as the circle. =)

    (psst come over to Wordpress! Commenting is soooo much easier and there are wonderful notifications of replies etc. I have never had any trouble at all with WP.)

  4. Thanks! Circle skirts ftw. I can't get enough!

    I think I'm definitely going to migrate over to WP. Probably will take a week or two to get everything situated, but at this point, it really seems worth it.

  5. This looks like such a wardrobe workhorse! I bet you'll wear it all the time!

    Personally, I like Disqus... as a WP user, Blogger comment platforms are always so unfriendly to me. :) But I've heard of people having the problem importing comments... annoying!
