Friday, November 29, 2013

Things I've Sewn Lately: Knits, knit and more knits!

Recently, I became a leggings and t-shirt machine. In the wintertime, I love to wear leggings -- whether I'm working at home and wearing leggings and a shawl, or going out with a shirt dress and boots, leggings are warm and wonderful. My old store-bought leggings were starting to get holes and get stretched out, so it was time to make some!

My pattern of choice is the Jalie leggings pattern. It's one pattern piece and two seams -- I can whip out pairs of these leggings like nobody's business.

The sizing for these is great, too. You size by your hip measurement and length -- and there are about a million sizes included in the pattern. This was my first Jalie pattern, but I love the heavy paper they print on. I've made four pairs of these leggings and the pattern is still in great shape.

I made these out of some yoga-pants-esque fabric I found in Chic Fabrics in New York, so they're a little thicker than most of my store-bought leggings, which I appreciate. I had two yards and I managed three pairs of leggings. I also made up a pair in fleece-backed lycra I purchased at Fabric Mart in Pennsylvania. Talk about snuggly!

The only change I made to the pattern was to cut the elastic much larger. Elastic waistbands with negative ease bother my tummy (yeah I'm a wuss) so I cut my elastic waistband in the exact measurement of my waist so it barely stretches. They look a little weird flat, but these are the most comfortable leggings I've ever owned.

I've also made quite a few Renfrews lately. This one is my absolute favorite. Fabric Mart, if you've never been there, is an online fabric retailer, but you are allowed to shop their warehouse (whuuut!) Any remnants they have (i.e. like 5 yards left on the bolt), they sell for $2 a yard. I picked up a ton of t-shirt knits. This one is a great weight and feel. It serged like a dream.

I know I probably sound like a Sewaholic saleslady, but damn I love their patterns.

So proud of this neckline -- this is my best Renfrew.


This long-sleever is some lovely knit I picked up in New York with the crew on Male Pattern Boldness Day. (I asked Peter if it was too bright -- at the time I was wearing a pink dress and carrying a hot pink Kate Spade bag -- he looked at me and went "You wear a lot of pink, don't you?" No idea why he'd think THAT!)

This fabric is super cute -- the little black dots are actually tiny velvet hearts. I got this fabric at Elfreide's in Colorado.

 The neckline topstitching is a little wavy, so we won't look too closely, here, but I still love this one and I wear it all the time.

And finally, my first Renfrew, which I realized never made an appearance on the blog. I don't wear it much because it came out kind of funky. I was having trouble with my serger tension that day.

I love the neckline, though. I'll have to make another now that I'm a little better with the pattern.

So there you have it, folks! Knit essentials for everyday life.  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday and are enjoying your own comfy knits and easy waistbands today. ;)

Also, haven't heard from Kim about the giveaway. I'll choose another winner if I don't hear soon.