I made Butterick B5649 a couple of weeks ago and hadn't worn it out until we went to New York (does anyone else try to save a garment's first trip out for a special day? Am I alone here?)
I can't remember where I saw a button-front skirt like this for sale, but I wanted it instantly. I adore buttons. I mean, the expression "cute as a button" exists for a reason, right?
The fabric is a slightly textured navy cotton blend from G Street Fabrics. Navy is one of my favorite colors to wear, so I was instantly drawn to this particular fabric for a skirt. I don't know why, but I find it really easy to buy blouse fabrics, but bottom-weight fabrics intimidate me a bit. I suppose I'm more familiar with sewing dresses and blouses than skirts. The only downside to this fabric was that it did have a bit of a fraying problem. It really wanted to shed everywhere when I was cutting! I wish I'd thought ahead and bought seam binding, but alas. Next time.
The pattern, interestingly enough, called for "waistband interfacing," which I'd never seen before. They didn't have any a G Street and the ladies at my local JoAnn had never heard of it (hilariously, the saleslady tried to sell me horsehair braid instead -- I had to explain to her that so far as I knew, horsehair braid was for hems, not waistbands!)
My mom was shocked that no one sold it. She, apparently, used to use it all the time. Amazon, luckily, had some for $6 and it was Prime eligible. Score! I ended up LOVING the stuff. So easy to use! It's two long strips of interfacing connected by thin bits of interfacing so that you can put it in the correct size of waistband and easily fold it over. I thought the finished look was really nice. I also cut it in half to do the plackets.
Here's a closer look:
I used cover buttons for the first time. So fun! I think they look so polished. I love things that match.
The fit on this skirt was great. I used the finished garment measurements and it was perfect. I made a teeny tiny short muslin, just because I don't trust those tricky Butterick patterns. Greg thought the micro-miniskirt muslin was hysterical -- I think my dummy is still wearing it as a cape.
In addition to the skirt, I've got on an ancient Old Navy top that I'm about 10 seconds away from ripping apart to remake (it has a very pretty low scoop back) and an equally ancient (nearly dead) J Crew cotton sweater. And, my favorite part, an old necklace of my mom's. I think my dad bought it in Florida on a business trip in the '80s?
I used the very bitter end of some blouse fabric for the pocket lining. I was so in love with that fabric, but G Street only had a yard. I managed to squeeze a simple blouse out of it and two pocket linings. Not bad, right? I had to make the pockets slightly smaller to accommodate the fact that I had so little fabric.
All of these photos, as you probably can tell, were taken in New York in the Fashion District information area. An older couple walked by while Greg took pictures of me (freezing my patootie off with no coat on) with my pockets out. Pretty sure they thought I was crazy. There was hardcore judgement face happening. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?
Bonus picture of my favorite fashion photographer. <3
Click here for my Pattern Review post!